Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Tasting- St. Peter's Brewing


stpeters1"St. Peter’s Brewery is based at St. Peter South Elmham, near Bungay in Suffolk. The brewery itself was built in 1996 and is housed in an attractive range of traditional former agricultural buildings adjacent to St. Peter’s Hall."

There is something classic and robust about the bottle shape, with it's too hard to handle size and odd gin bottle curve. Seems like a classic english style set up- historial and, hopefully, made with love.


A: Amber to orange color with a lightly tan head

S: Floral and orange

T: Bitter on the finish but a heap of malt sugar

M: Oily, sticky coating in the mouth

O: Not as much body as an IPA would normally have, but drinkable when chilled.

St.Peter's Brewery have a great website! Outlining who they are, where they came from and what they interested in. Videos, pictures, updates and a generally aesthetically pleasing layout, something the online reader would enjoy.

ST. PETER'S BREWERY- Stout27837 ST peter cream stout

A: Black with ruby tone when in the light

S: Strong alcohol esters, but a roasted malt sweetness and dried fruits

T: Licorice and bitter chocolate with hints at roasted nuts

M: Cream

O:  A great nutty, candy cream stout with stand out flavors and a mild after taste

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