Saturday, August 18, 2012

There's a snake in my beer!

Came across a story that blew my boots off. 

July 19th 1900
"Four young men living in Cerro Gordo county, near the Minnesota line, purchased and drank a keg of Eastern-brewed beer some days ago, and as a result three of them have died and the fourth is now in terrible agony, and is reported to be on the point of death."

Seeing double: The hazards of overindulging are clear in this doctored photo of a man somehow serving himself a beer from a wooden keg in about 1900. (Photo courtesy

"To ascertain, if possible, the strange cause of the sickness, the keg was broken into and the decomposed remains of a genuine rattlesnake was found. Improbable as the story sounds, it is true; and is rendered plausible by the fact that empty kegs are often left lying around for weeks before being shipped back to the breweries. It is thus easy for reptiles and insects to crawl into the kegs as cool resorts."
Read more here

For sure they would have been better of giving something like this Rattlesnake Beer from Oak Creek Brewery and Grill in Sedona, Az, which brings Nitch to the point of this post: I purchased a pair of boots in Sedona and grabbed myself one of these rattlesnake beers along with a plate of fried rattlesnake a few years back. Admittedly  it all taste like chicken, except for the beer which was an APA that I neglected to take notes on. If I'm over that way again in life, I'll make sure to remember more. 

Must be said that we owe a big thanks to brewers for upgrading their brewing and shipping standards over the last 110 years. 

If you've recently been bit by a rattlesnake because you were drunk and poking it with a stick, call 911. If you've recently fermented an insect or animal then attempted to consume the by product, please post pictures. If you've been in Sedona and can fill me in on the pleasures of Rattlesnake Beer, I'd love to hear about it!

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