Saturday, August 25, 2012

Bavarian Beer Bar Australia

Café holds a rustic charm with racks of glass steins while visually appealing to younger crowds. Modern style and color. Men’s man feel. Pretty female servers in tasteful blue button ups. Odd to see a women here, as usual, I’m out numbered. Playing 90’s music softly with complimenting music video displayed on out of view TV. Occasional pictures of “people having a good time drinking” flash over the TV.

High raise ceilings give the small space an elevated feeling. 

Extra seating upstairs not open yet

Ample outdoor seating. Covered if needed. Glass steins displayed on back lite wall. Massive wall photo of German man’s ass as he examines a low rack of steins. Tasteful, funny and odd.

There is a coffee machine. Because this place is well rounded? Dining area has pho log cabin walls. Mounted deer and hanging candle chandelier. If you step back, quint your eyes and shake your head (after a few pints) it looks like you are in a really clean German restaurant!

The staff stands in the safety of the bar area, while patrons sit with dwindling beer glasses.

“Don’t get to meet people like me at home brewing” says the drunken man on the opposite table in reaction to me saying I home brew. I think the case it made. The exact reason that I home-brew is so I don’t have to meet people like you.

Why are there wines on beer menus?

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