Walking past the Moulin Rouge
En route to lip some Brutal Rogue.
"Le Glass is where?"
s'il vous plaît monsieur,
ou est la Rue Frochot?
He says to the right, it ain't fo sho.
Will was at Le Glass doing a tasting of his newly imported bottles and we had to get us some.
As soon as we found the fucking place.
That American touristing friend of mine, who's job it is to rain on people'e picnics and predict the future, best weather forecaster the government can buy, just to happened to have a working phone. (Unlike yours truly.) Voila- Location acquired.
Le Glass
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Soon to celebrate it's one year anniversery Le Glass is a snug, well heated space not much bigger than my drunk kitchen but with better lighting. Most everyone spoke English but not many people were speaking at all. In fact, when we walked in there was a hello from the barmen but everyone else seemed to have their mouth occupied. Organic hot dog, a home made pickle or someone else's face are top ticket menu items at Le Glass.
Felix to the rescue! For customers to wash down their seriously delicious dogs, or pickles or what ever else, he pumps out amazing house made specialty cocktails. Whipped up with flare and skill, Le Glass is not only sporting yummy yum foods but killer drinks to drown in.
"St.Louis is great but I'd move here today if I wasn't contracted until 2017."
No luck for the Forecaster, more for me. But, for the moment we have some magic, space men and hoppiness ahead of us so let's leave the future to future and
Taste Beers!
Sip #1: ROGUE- Brutal IPA
A: It's hard to see in such a sexily lit location but I think it's a tawny orange.
S: Pine with roasty caramel
T: No so brutal
O: This is one of America's original IPAs, made in a time before the "west coast IPA" had ravaged all beer geek's palates and caused a hop addiction epidemic. So, it's more like a nice pale ale that was understandably brutal back in the day. Love the bottle, great for sharing and food pairing.
Sip #2: BREWFIST- Space Man IPA 7% 70 IBUs
A: So, so, so bright! Like a golden/copper tinted champagne. So clear and bright
S: Passion fruit, exotic fruits in huge amounts
T: Sweet, soft bitter finish, not aggressive, caramel grapefruit with heaps of citrus.
O: This is Will's favorite beer at the moment and I have to agree that if I was craving a super fresh hop bomb THIS would be the definition of what I would be craving. So fresh and so clean, clean.
Sip #3: MOOR- Hoppiness 6.7%
A: Copper with a great lingering head
S: Cascade pine (at the date we were drinking this beer about 5 months, it may have lost some of it's aroma).
T: Barley wine malt bill balances with American hops. Not too hard on the finish, so drinkable.
M: Grainy more thick full body than is usual for this style.
O: MOOR Brewing is a great company, UK based but turned around by a California brewer and his wife with a massive passion. I recommend checking out the website and seeing the rouse they have about traditional beer vs natural beer. Fish bladder protests!
Sip #4: MOOR- Illusion 4.7%
A: Murky brown
S: Very faint, slight coffee and toasted malt.
T: Toffee sweet roasted malts, bittering hops are present in a grassy way and come out in the taste rather then the smell.
O: Hello session beer with a kick.
Sip #5: BREWFIST- 2 Late IPA 9.5%
S: American hops with heaps of citrus and pine but also a delicate floral sweetness like honey.
T: Grapefruit and a candied fruit, peaches maybe. Malt is in perfect balance with the freshness of the hops. No alcohol on the nose or in the taste with is a real surprise.
Sip #6: MOOR- JJJ IPA Triple IPA 9.5%
S: Malt sweet, sugar, caramel no hops- super slight earthy smell
T: Like fresh wort, sweet with a subtile hop middle, lingering bitter- like an english cask ale. American and UK hops. Sweet hop finish.
Sip #7:
MAGIC ROCK- Double IPA Human CannonBall IIPA 9.2%
This. This is kind of a big deal. It is the last keg in ALL of France! When it's gone. It's effing gone people! Bet you wish we were with me. But you weren't, so I'll tell you all about it and let you have dreams about it later.
A: Golden peachy color with light haze and slim bubbles S: Citrus flowers and fresh cut grass
T: I'm hit with huge grapefruit and orange blossom hop blast but then... a meaty, smoked malt. Like smoking rain under a heap of floral hop and citrus peel.
O: Very interesting. So many things going on, such originality and intrigue that I'm slightly baffled. That big roasty thing that happened at the end kinda put me off a bit. I would for sure Cannon Ball again, but for tonight I'm taking my beer like I take my men: thick, black and rich.
...I'll give you some Dirty Dick later, we've had enough sexual references and sipping for one post. Tease, tease, tease! Oh okay, if you really can't wait click Paris My Mouth to see what they do with the Dirty Dick.
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