Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Session #81 Announcement- Scary Beer Feminists!

session  The Session, a.k.a. Beer Blogging Friday, is an opportunity once a month for beer bloggers from around the world to (virtually) converge on a single beer related topic, each bringing their own unique perspective.

This month's November 1st Friday post is Nitch's turn! AND YOURS!

The chosen topic is close my breast- Beer feminists.

Now most of you are sipping your pumpkin ale and painting your kids faces with cat whiskers thinking, "ohhh spooky! Nothing more terrifying than a witch craft beer blog hosted by a scary beer feminist." Hold onto your broom sticks gentlemen because things are going to get puny!


The Session Topic?

Women in craft beer culture!

Sessin #81 is not an argument, unlike some past session posts. I’m not here alienate the baguette bearers, I have my opinions and if you want to read my posts about women in beer, then you can. If not, then fine by me.

But let’s also avoid this being another “bah humbug, let people drink what they want," session.

As the saintly Mr. M. Jackson created ‘beer culture’ by focusing on the people behind brewing, let us too take one blog post to contemplate the cultural shift that gender is taking in the beer world.

Feel free to write about what you want as long as it is beer and woman related!

I would love to see some of our historian beer bloggers give a bit of  in depth back ground information on history of women in beer culture. Praise Ninkasi and what not, but were there male brewers before the fall of Rome?

Who did most the brewing in early colonized North America?

How is it that most current African brewers are still housewives while modern brewing is male dominated?

Do a feature on a woman in the beer industry!

Have you inspired your significant other to become beer culture involved? Call it, high five your beer loving wife day.

Are there any men out there who think that women in beer is a bad thing? For religious reasons, women aren't allowed to tour many Trappist breweries and there are still French chefs who believe that a women on her menstrual cycle cannot make whip cream. (Truth.)

Woman’s palate’s are changing the direction of beer! Are women to blame for the recent increase in fruit beers? ...

Are there any women out there who are crusading a flag of femininity while milling malt. Tell us your story!

How to participate?

-Write a blog post involving women in beer culture on Friday, Nov. 1st*

-Leave a comment or email me, letting me know you posted!

-Leave a comment here about women in beer

-Hug a beer feminist

-Tell others about the November long Session event: Scary Beer Feminists or a Healthy Growing Demographic?

-Most importantly: read other people's posts about the business of ladies in ales.


Rather you view women in beer as a quant and charming equality movement, an awkward threat to the system, a refreshing beer culture development or if you yourself are a female in the beer world- Session #81 is a beer feminist forum!


*Don't worry about posting late, I'll do a round up towards the middle of November.


  1. Nitch,

    I learned something new from your Scary Beer Feminists post. I did not know that "for religious reasons, women aren’t allowed to tour many Trappist breweries".
    Thank you for the good words.


  2. […] next Session is coming up this Friday, and the topic was announced just today: Women in craft beer culture. It’s being hosted by Tasting Nitch and she provides a series of good starting […]

  3. I don't really consider woman in the beer world any differently then I do about men in it, they are the same, just with dramatically better breasts and drastically less facial hair.

  4. That is pretty much the definition of beer feminism- for all to be ignored as equals!
    Women just so happen to grow balls of fat on our chests and stay baby face smooth our entire lives, these things do not effect hop additions. On the other hand, women have been so yo-yo'd from front line brewing important in 4,000 BC to objectified marketing tools in 1980 AD, that it is nice to have a few days in which to calm the water and appreciate those around you who aren't as beardedly talented, yet still have the ability to spell Saccharomyces (and know what it's used for).

  5. […] month’s session is hosted by Nichole Richard (aka Nitch), who you can find over at Tasting Nitch. She’s chosen the topic of ‘‘Women and Beer: Scary Beer Feminists or a Healthy Growing […]

  6. Here's my session post - cheers for hosting!

  7. Beer Blogging Friday!

  8. […] This month’s topic, hosted by Nichole (a.k.a Nitch) at Tasting Nitch, is Women and Beer: Scary Beer Feminists or a Healthy Growing Demographic? […]

  9. Here is my post. It will be live at 5AM on Nov 1. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk about the two things I love the most!

  10. […] first Friday of every month beer bloggers writer about the same topic. This month it’s “Scary Beer Feminists,” hosted by Nicole at Tasting […]

  11. Here's mine!

    Looking forward to reading everyones'.

  12. My post is up at:

    Thanks for hosting!

  13. Judith Bennett has lots of interesting words on this topic. My contribution is simply to recommend her book. Thanks for hosting.

    Session #81: Where have all the brewsters gone?

  14. Carty,

    That's very cool. You should hit some festivals here in the US. While the number of women is growing, it's a very beard and belly crowd or a bro-fest. I've been in a craft beer bar or two where it was all men and you could hear everyone stop talking when a woman entered. Fortunately, women are taking their places in the beer world. Hopefully they can convince some of these dudes to shave their beards and for the love of all things beery, to stop wearing utilikilts!


  15. Here's mine:

  16. Here is my addition:

  17. Good topic. I like women. I like beer. Looks like I am going to take you up on the "Don’t worry about posting late", though.

    I'll see what I can come up with over the weekend.

  18. […] This month, the session is hosted by the Tasting Nitch, Nichole. The subject is one that some might consider controversial but I suspect those are the kinds of people we don’t care to hear the opinion of. It’s women in beer or in Nichole’s words: Scary Beer Feminists. […]

  19. Here's my post...

    Cheers for hosting.

  20. Hey Nitch, thanks for hosting!

    Here's my post. I got a little off topic (as I am apt to do).


  21. […] month’s session topic (hosted by Nichole “Nitch” Richard) is supposed to be about women, beer, women in beer, beer in women, beer on women, women on beer, […]

  22. Just saw this but I'll definitely post a new story this weekend! Hope it's not too late!!

  23. As a longtime previously rare female brewer, I am happy to see the expansion of our ranks within the beer industry. (There were years when I was the only woman sitting at the table.) I believe that by banding together and naming ourselves as the Pink Boots Society, we women beer professionals have shown the light on ourselves and our work, which has brought media focus and the attention of women beer consumers. In fact, by being out there in the world as positive female role models, Pink Boots Society members are changing the dialog of what is possible in regards to beer and women, as well as the beer landscape.

    I see only positive things in the future of beer and craft beer by inviting more women to the table. The US has seen approximately 500 new breweries open each of the last 3 years, bringing us to about 2,600 breweries today, with 1,600 more registered as “in planning.” The only way we can sustain the growth of beer sales necessary to support this many breweries is through the contribution of women beer consumers: Every bloke in America who wants to drink beer is probably already doing so; Every woman in America who wants to drink beer may not be, but only because she doesn’t know it yet. Expanding consumer beer education is the key to the industry’s continued success, and women need to be part of that dialog. As an industry, we can’t get where we want to go/grow without women.

    Why is this still relevant in today’s equal-opportunity world? Because probably 1 percent or less of the brewers in the world are women. In order to equal the playing field we first need more women beer consumers. Once they get intrigued by beer’s history and flavor, we might be lucky enough to see a few become homebrewers. Some of those might take it a step further and decide to pursue beer or brewing as a profession. But you will never see a passionate woman beer professional who wasn’t a beer consumer first.

    Why is this important? It is important to me because my career as a beer professional has been the best thing to ever happen to me, and I would love to spread that happiness and joy to other women, who may never have realized it is a career option open to them as well.

    And besides that, women are damn fine brewers and have great palates!


    Teri Fahrendorf
    Founder & Co-Creator

  24. Thanks for hosting. Here's our two-cents.

  25. Here's mine. And thanks for hosting:

  26. Ok ... after further consideration, I thought I should try to get this in on Friday.

    Here is mine:

  27. My post is up:

    Thanks for hosting!

  28. DRAFT's session contribution, here:

  29. Thanks for hosting! Here is my submission:

  30. […] month’s edition of The Session is about women and beer which, if you think about it, represents 50% of everything in our beery culture. Sure it does […]

  31. Here we go with my contribution for the session...

  32. Hello, I have also a post about women in craft beer culture ;-) Greetings and cheers!

  33. […] month’s installment of the Session is hosted by Nichole of the Tasting Nitch. The topic is Women and Beer: Scary Beer Feminists or a Healthy Growing Demographic? So, this […]

  34. Here is my post.

    Thanks for hosting!

  35. […] This month’s topic comes from Tasting Nitch. Her chosen topic is one she describes as being close to her heart – Women in Craft Beer Culture. […]

  36. A little late, but done! So sorry Nitch - I think I did exactly what I was told not to.

  37. ammo's contribution:

  38. Thanks for hosting!

  39. Here is mine:

    I posted a comment, but it didn't show yesterday? Sorry if it double posts! Thanks for choosing this month's topic!

  40. Here is my post! is in spanish :/

    Thank U for hosting it!

  41. […] However this month’s Session is hosted by Nichole (Nitch) over at Tasting Nitch and she’s picked what I’m quite sure has been a lively topic: Women in craft beer culture. […]

  42. […] However this month’s Session is hosted by Nichole (Nitch) over at Tasting Nitch and she’s picked what I’m quite sure has been a lively topic: Women in craft beer culture. […]

  43. […] November’s post is “hosted” by Nichole, aka “Nitch,” over at The Tasting Nitch, aptly titled “Scary Beer Feminists“… […]

  44. Better late than never, right? Thanks for hosting this month and encouraging the conversation!

    Here's my post to share:

  45. Nitch - thanks for hosting. Your (typically 'Scary Beer Feminist'??) 'late posting' initiative is excellent, given that I (being a typical, forgetful bloke??) forgot. Not that I'm pandering to stereotypes or anything...

  46. […] This month’s topic comes courtesy of Tasting Nitch, and is Women and Beer: Scary Beer Feminists or a Healthy Growing Demographic?  […]

  47. […] The early days of September 2013 are days that will not go down in infamy in many places. But in a small corner of the interwebs, the September installment of “The Session: Beer Blogging Friday” generated no small quantum of sound and fury. These sessions have become somewhat of an institution among people who appreciate and write about beer, with topics that typically provide plenty of grist for those inclined to ruminations over fine beverages. Each month, a prominent beer scribe is called upon to frame an issue for debate. Recent topics range from the economics of the beer industry (a craft beer bubble?) to the issue of gender in a male-dominated beer world (beer feminism). […]

  48. Thanks for hosting.
    Sorry for the ridiculously late (and brief) entry!
    Will (updated URL)

  49. […] inspiration for this piece comes from early November’s The Session […]

  50. Nitch,
    You've probably wrapped up your round up long ago, but here's a belated contribution to the discussion.

  51. […] This is a post that is about three weeks late. Every month, on the first Friday of said month, the The Beer Sessions invites beer bloggers to pen a post on a single subject. Each month a different blogger ‘hosts’ the session by choosing a topic, and then subsequently summarizing all of the posts for that month. At the beginning of November, Session #81 brought us to an old chestnut (at least for me), as The Tasting Nitch asked, “What about Women in Beer Culture?‘. […]

  52. A little late, was there a round-up?

  53. NO SUCH THING AS LATE! Merely holding back for greater dramatic effect. You've all been such awesome contributors and now that I have the time to read through all of the articles with the attention they deserve I am gob smacked that there is such a range of opinion. I was worried that people would simply drop in a, "yeah, women are like men, but without beards, so what?"

    Thank you, Merci, Gracias and the pleasure has been all mine. Round up comments happening at the moment, waiting for all my gifs and pics to upload. #VisualAidGeek


  54. […] Society, Mrs. Fahrendorf personally took time out of her busy schedule to drop us some words via comment to which I offer my humblest thanks and praise. The Pink Boots Society is a grand cause that does […]

  55. […] missed that this “Scary Beer Feminists” (aka “Women In Craft Beer”) “Session” thing was happening. A […]
