1. HOPS! for the taste/flavor
2. Different than mass-produced “macro” beer
3. Hype/abundance of supply
One of the best things about The Session is getting a look at each writer's views and adding some new beer blogs to one's Newsblur list.
I added Looke from LikelyMoose after reading his <twitch> IPA lover's break down, suggesting that the contrast between the macro lager is what drives our hop passion: "It's a beer for real beer lovers and it helps to set us aside from those that drink any old swill just to get drunk. We drink it and love it because it's not like your average beers..."
Always curious to know more about a blog's author I read his about page and did an honest, LOL to my empty office room, gasping for air and shaking my head. Genius:
Favourite Nicki Minaj Song: Beez in the Trap.
Most disliked artist in the history of music: Nicki Minaj
Not only do Looke and I share the fate of being nicknamed by people who have reading impediments, but we share precisely the same view on Nicki Minaj.
Looke goes on to post about Let there be beer, which I read about only today- ties in lovely to my rant.
Let there be beer!
The Let There Be Beer campaign is currently on Facebook and Twitter, with their own website expected August 11th 2013 and focuses on advertising for general beer consumption.
Looke states: As well as CAMRA this campaign is being backed by AB-inbev, Carlsberg, Heineken, Miller Brands and Molson-coors. I like the idea of all of the big boys in brewing coming together and just saying “look. Let’s just have a beer”
Let there be beer! Or let there be intoxication?
Although I admire CAMRA's eternal quest to bring people into the beer world- I feel there might be other, possibly better, ways to promote good quality beer drinking. Beer Bar Band's upcoming Session will likely give some great fresh insight into craft beer marketing, from the people for the people.
Which is also why I squint an eye at CAMRA working with the macro devils, I see them as the enemy and prefer to promote people drinking good quality red wine, with locally grown products, rather then suggest an ice cold Heineken to quench stressed souls.
Post long work days, awkward family situations and blazing hot bbqs all require something in one's hand that can be placed between them and the world. Social lubricant is important, I agree and often insist, but defining beer as simply a reward for bearing the weight of a shitty position causes it to become like vodka in the 60's.
Shhh.. no one has to know that you are drinking.
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Promoting the savoring and responsible enjoyment of alcohol instead of it's socially dimming effects is the turn that progressing craft beer culture is making.
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Beer is an intoxicant, but then so are cigarettes, shopping, exercising and coffee. Coffee ads don't show people having a cup then cranking out a million invoices, even though people often junkie up on ground coffee beans for just that reason (don't even get me started on energy drinks). Instead, they advertise about how lush and decant a good cafe in the morning is.
Coffee people smell coffee beans like we smell hops- THAT is what 'Let there be beer' should be focusing on. How a great beer can make you smile, how sharing a home brew with a friend is akin to being Santa Claus and how the post work drink is to be looked forward to because it tickles you- not because you need it. Let there be GOOD beer and not just any beer to help dull the pain of reality.
Nitch sticking her tongue out at the efforts of the marketing monsters and on to hunt the city for a cold gueze with some friends.
[…] ‘Let there be beer! Or let there be intoxication?’ was what worried me. […]