Bellerose, what a tease.
I wanted a blend of Saison and IPA, I got the beer drinker's palate equivalent of blue balls.
'Bellerose is a Top fermented beer made with 3 hops from 3 different continents by Brasseries Des Sources(Brewery of the Springs). A mix between French “bière de Garde” and IPA with distinctive aromas of citrus & litchi with a hoppy but refreshing aftertaste ! After less than one year of brewing, this beer have won three medals in prestigious beer Competition and was elected as the “Best Ale over 5% in the UK” at the International Beer Challenge of London 2011 !'
Full label take from here. Anime pictures with the beerporn- dig.
La Brasserie des Sources
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In 1997, La Brasserie Des Sources was launched by French film icon Gerard Depardieu, and fellow actors from the movie adaptation of Emile Zola’s Germinal, as a 'thank you' to the local community for their hospitality during location shooting. And what a generous gift it turned out to be. Based in the old mining town of Saint-Amand-les-Eaux, the innovative brewery has created a number of award winning brews including Bellerose, a 6.5% blend of French biere de garde and India pale ale crafted by des Sources’ owner, Jean-Luc Butez. Equipped with high-tech machineries, La Brasserie Des Sources specialises in bottle conditioning and produces a large range of distinctive brands (including Vivat Blonde and Triple) which have received worldwide acclaim.
BRASSERIE DES SOURCES- Bellerose Bière Blonde Extra 6.5% ABV Golden Pale Bière de Garde
She's a bit of complex mix, this Bellerose and, like most complicated things, it takes a while to absorb all the melodies of her body and melt them into one aspect.
At first, from seeing the awards and three hop additions, I was expecting something else- always dampers when you don't get what you thought you were paying for. Once over the initial disappointment I sipped and swished the brew on my palate until I came to my conclusion: Meh.
I didn't taste the distinct three hops, for sure not the citrus and litchi it boasts but there was that bière de garde/saison spice to it. Bellerose seems like the kinda girl that one needs to get to know before the true romance can start.
[caption id="attachment_1388" align="alignright" width="224"]
Until I find a beer that tickles my beer hunting fancy, here are some real aldies (One French, one American) who are easy going, true to their character kinda chicks who are loved, my friends, take my word, they are adored just after the introduction. No label deception here!
Verdict on Bellerose
Famous people backed marketing and 'high-tech machineries' is no substitute for full a body and boldness.
I'll give the ol' gal anther go when I see her again, maybe my cigarette hazed French evening dampened my palate, or maybe I was too busy looking at other ladies to give her my full attention. Until the next time though, meh. Cold fish.
Awesome Review! :) Loved the presentation. I think to me, the reason I liked the beer was because I was able to get a lot out of it for being a very light body. That doesn't happen too often with lighter beers. I like full bodied beers and I usually get a lot out of them but for something this light was surprising. Cheers!