Saturday, June 1, 2013


Popped over to L'Absinthe for some outter city limits beer tasting. Although American beer is still rudely represented by a depressing duo of  "Busweiser" or "Duff", I can't complain as they have over three pages of Belgian beers with lovely little nips of character. Better then Guinness and Leffe at the local pubs!

Of course, Nitch's palate is still screaming for something mind blowingly hoppy, simply because it is impossible. "Being difficult takes practice," as my grandmother always says, so I badgered the waiter for any information on IPAs available. I was clued in to a beer I might be able to find at the bottle shop in town that is a Duval  steeped with hops. He says that it packs a punch. More on that when I find it!

The menu had two IPAs, both from Brew Dog, one I hadn't tried so the mission began there:

Brew Dog MY NAME IS BEASTIE 8.2% abvIMG_0010

Just the biggest, most lovely hop nose imaginable. Sweet and floral with great grapefruit and citrus smells just leaping up your nose. Alas, the hop invasion ends there, as the beer itself is mild and clean. Great beer none the less!

The waiter then talked up this interesting beer that he said was very "acid" which in french means sour or tart, so I thought there might a sour beer on the way. Wrong as usual, I am.

Lefebvre MOEDER TRIPLE 33cl 8% abv

[caption id="attachment_495" align="alignleft" width="418"]IMG_0011 What a rabid, animal of a head you have there Mrs.Moeder! Nitch loves her some beer froth on the tongue.[/caption]

The smell of all yeast and fermentation waft up from this triple as follow as a trend through the entire beer, start to finish. Malty sweet at first then a grassy hop tang moving quickly to a strange fermenting barn yard floor taste. A heavy beer on the palate and oddly unappealing. The sweet little nun on the logo makes me feel like there is a divine hand in this odd ball beer. I kept drinking the damn thing just so I could stick that strange dislikable aspect happening. "Why do I hate this?" I kept saying after each consecutive sip. Every element of the brew came out individually which, in hinde sight, might have been the reason why I had so much trouble placing the taste as a whole. She's balanced, but not straight-forward. I can't say I'd recommend her and my partner was aghast with hate, but it's complexity was intriguing and stuck in my mind. I'd do it again.

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