Better late then never.
And so it is!
I've added a heap of Brazilian blogs to my newsblur and am looking forward to watching the beer culture rise up and flourish like a Ipê-amarelo flower in the sun.
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For references an general beering informations, check out Cerveja e Brasil, who is high up on the "official big heads of Brazilian beer" list, being ran by Sindicerv (National Union Beer Industry) and FGV (Fundação Getúlio Vargas). Not exactly the movers and shakers of the scene but a great place to start.
Next, get a look at Confraria do Lupulo and it's pretty web lay out for mass beer newsing.
It wouldn't be a country with out a beer club!
"You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline. It helps if you have some kind of football team or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer." -Frank Zappa
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I confess that I drink.
Oh what? No, that is the name of my next blog suggestion! I would never confess to something that is so blatantly part of my living organism that its akin to breathing. I confess that I'm alive and that if you are looking a Brazilian beer blog with a nice rounded touch and home town feel, then here it is.
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Beer glaze is like the chocolate sprinkles on the brigadeiros, with a gift shop full of beer baskets and beer cupcakes for order, a blog ran by a cute and cheery chick who gets more attractive as the videos get newer and an event section for checking out what is hot in the Brazil beer world. The lady behind all the beer craze seems like a trendy presenter, although there aren't subtitles on all the videos. Esmalte can also be translated as enamel so the title might be Beer and Enamel, but seeing the word malt in the middle seems to bring the coolness full circle no matter the translation.
Lastly, my top pick out the of blogs presented by the BBC (because I'm sure there are more being made every day or some that are late to the party) for all around coolness and earthy read-ability is: Beer? Like yes! And no, it's not just because it has the coolest beer blog name I've seen to date or because it has hardcore sexy flashes beer porn like a Vivid producer (NSFW) but because the layout is simple, the tasting notes are comprehensive and the links are genuinely things I haven't seen on other blogs. The cover photo with the counter top stash of beers is like watching someone dipping their toes into a whirlpool of addiction. A current I've been been swimming against for years: beer hoarding.
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So if you are handy with google translate or reverso, get your samba on and check out some Brazilian beer blogs from the BBC to celebrate the almost missed (basically totally missed, but better late then never) holiday of Brazilian beer! 05.06.13
Until next year! (which we will be on time for) Saúde!
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