Frog Pubs, Paris have seven locations and each one is a mockery of the craft brew pub.
'FrogPubs began life as an MBA project researching the potential for an English pub & micro-brewery in central Paris. The project was a success & since 1993 FrogPubs has been brewing, serving & selling beer. We started out by creating pubs for all the British expats in Paris to meet up in. Today FrogPubs attracts a much wider variety of people and pretty much anyone who wants to have a good time will be well looked after.'
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What we have here is a case of copy cat research gone viral.
I found that Tale of Ale had been to the Frog Pubs January 2012, giving almost exactly a year separation in opinion: Frog Pubs are all marketing and no soul. Although Tale of Ale had more time to visit more Frog locations and more guts to continue drinking, we were mostly there to feed my visiting American friend, 'chicken wings 'n things'. She was fed up with delicate french portions and I was (as always) seeking a craft beer. Internet told us that our happy ground would be the Frog Pubs.
Alas, you see tourists and locals downing massive pints of multi colored brews with little regard as to the flavor or quality. Better then nothing but with nothing you still have your imagination. The Frog Pub was cram packed busy and served us up fried dishes that my American visitor was more then happy to consume while noting the lack of ranch dressing- disappointing.
I was focused on the beer. Well, I was focused on the beer after I finished half the pint, thus way my excitement in having a beer other then macro lager. I didn't' take tasting notes- no need, beers were blah.
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As usual I ordered the darkest thing possible:
Frog Pub Dark de Triomphe 5.0% abv
'Our very own 'pint of the black stuff'. A dry, full-bodied stout, served cold with a thick and creamy head. 'Dark' has slightly more bitterness than some other dark beers you may know, due to our roasted barley, chocolate malts, and English Challenger hops. Goes great with one of our juicy Frog Cheeseburgers!"
Ya know what else goes great with juicy Frog Cheeseburgers- a discount. Places like this give 'microbrewery' a bad name.
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