Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Session #78- The Elevator Pitch

session The Session is a monthly event for the beer blogging community, started by Stan Hieronymus of the Appellation Beer blog. This is how it works: on the first Friday of each month, beer bloggers write about a predetermined topic. A different blog is chosen to host each round of The Session. The host blog selects a topic, and then posts a roundup of all the responses received. For all you need to know about this beer blogging concept, including the upcoming topics, check out the Brookston Beer Bulletin’s blog page about The Session.

This month: The Elevator Pitch

Hosted by: James Davidson of Beer Bar Band

The game is this: You walk into an elevator and hit the button for your destination level. Already in the elevator is someone holding a beer…and it’s a beer that annoys you because, in your view, it represents all that is bad with the current state of beer.

You can’t help but say something, so you confront your lift passenger with the reason why their beer choice is bad.

30 seconds is all you have to sell your pitch for better beer, before the lift reaches the destination floor. There’s no time, space or words to waste. You must capture and persuade the person’s attention as quickly as possible. When that person walks out of the elevator, you want them to be convinced that you have the right angle on how to make a better beer world.

The rules are here.

And, although totally like two weeks late, here is Tasting Nitch's The Beer Woman in the Elevator.

Scenario: You are (for this playtime) a man on vacation in Paris (pretending we all speak english) on your way from your room to a concert being held on one of the parking levels for the evening. You have a Leffe beer in your hand, which you paid an exorbitant amount for in your room's mini bar, with intention to get a head start on the festivities. You have no idea you are about to be accosted by a super hero of craft beer with The Session #78's Elevator pitch.


The Beer Woman in the Elevator


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Disaster averted.

Saving the planet, one beer drinker at a time.

Nitch- Super hero of the craft beer elevator pitch.

What we just did there is turn the tables full circle by using two of life finest sales (and super hero) angles: sex and honesty. I'm genuine and desirable. You want what I'm selling, because I'm not selling you anything you don't already want. I'm being frank and flirtatious with attempts to better your life. This approach works for male or female and (minus the interesting elevator situation) has been played out in real life by Nitch and her home brew toting habit many times.

I'm pretty much a professional comic bubbler now, thanks to Superlame btw and I had the most awesome KABOOM! time making this post.

Great foaming head Beer Bar Band, this is the best Session time we've had yet!

technical note: 225 words (not including sound effects)

Turn in next session where we watch Nitch battle the evils of stero types and preconceptions on: USA versus Old World Beer Culture



  1. Oh my gosh, that is fantastic. I like that the girl is the one with the beer knowledge in this and it isn't about her looks, but how much she knows. I'm going to reshare this on my blog celebrating women who drink good beer.

  2. Well thank you Heather, sista-love, for the kind and inspiring words. Feel free to share Nitch as you see fit and we'll keep celebrating the beauty of the female beer revival together!


  3. Nicely written. I read several of this "Session" round, and it was fun to see all the different approaches to the question. While I don't homebrew myself, I appreciate those who do. I tasted an amazing hombrewed Berliner Weise yesterday that was better than any American, commercially produced versions I've tried this year.

  4. […] And then there was Nichole, aka Nitch of Tasting Nitch and her incredible comic-style “Super hero of the craft beer elevator pitch”. Creative, fun, and in an elevator! All I can say is… check out her pitch: […]

  5. Awesome work, Nitch! I really appreciate the effort you put into this post. Cheers!

    Here’s my Session Roundup post :
