Thursday, May 9, 2013

Free Online Beer School- The Art and Science of Making Great Beer


UReddit is’s open online university where people on one side of the planet can teach people on the other side of the planet <or across the street>, things they don’t already know, called MOOCs.

MOOC = Massive Open Online Course

What is Nitch <and you, of course> interested in?

The Art and Science of Making Great Beer

“Are you interested in making your own high quality beer at home? Are you a already an all-grain homebrewer? This course is designed for beginning and advanced homebrewers alike.

I have been homebrewing for years and have a degree in microbiology. I am also a real-life teacher (for now, actually looking to move into the pro-brewing industry).

This class will feature homebrewing demo videos, lectures/presentations about the science of brewing, and interviews and discussion with other brewers (home and pro) about various relevant topics.”

6 Lessons all supplemented with videos, pdfs and discussion boards.

Around 1,300 people signed up for the course which began June 1st 2012 and looks like it ended around June 25th 2012 then fizzled away.

Beer pilgrim talked of adding class courses on filtering, fruit additions and kegging, then of “big announcements” which turned out to not announced as there hasn’t been a post since. We assume that the opening of Pilgrim’s tap room (which I was unable to find the name of) has distracted him from the philanthropic teaches of the global mass.

C’est dommage mais c’est la vie.

I’ll run through the course and see if I learn anything or if it is worth while

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