My city had a food and wine festival, at which there were two beer stalls. Ones was for commericial "artisanal biere" while the other was a lovely local brasserie which I'll be visiting this Sunday.
And then there was the Canana stall. Adorned with a massive stuffed buffalo, vending all manner of maple syrup products, the classic moosehead lager and eccentric buffalo pate. All done in French of course, by a man who detested the idea of a west side of Canada and refused to understand a word of english. The interestingly perverted man behind the counter sold me a beer that may or may not be real since I can't seem to find it on the internet. I'm assuming that it is some novelty item made in mass for people like me who go, "Oah! Maple syrup beer!" Because my french is so horrible and my body so rock'in, the nice oogling French man (who just imported these things for the stalls and didn't have a shop nor did he know much about Canadian itself) gave me a free beer to go with it. Oh, the joys of being a smoke'in hot female.
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Maple syrup fields in Canada |
Nitch rated 1.88/5
Bière blonde au sirop d'érable
4.5% abv
Fabriquée par Brasserie Ô Canada - St-Polycarpe JOP IXO Cananda
exp 11/2015
A: Murky golden mustard with a huge fizzing head that leaves lots of sticky bits on the glass. At the finish of the bottle there comes out small brown floating pieces about the size of the bubbles, which dance around in the rushing upward currents of the fizz. 2.5
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Where I thought maple syrup came from |
T: All sour and tangy then a slight maple syrup sweetness at the end that lingers but isn't more powerful then the punch on the face of warheads. There are citrus notes that float in and may account for all that tang. 1.5
M: Dry with a medium body 2.0
O: If there were hops in that bottle, as it states, then they were used primarily to keep the beer from going off. I can see how this would be lovely for a second, I enjoy a sour beer myself, but this is all tart. Once again, we find people talking about maple syrup and then covering it with another flavor for fear of over sugaring. I wouldn't intentionally drink this again nor would I gift it to anyone, as nothing short of a rancid lemon sucker would enjoy it. My French Man, The Ghost Brother, distinctly did a, "the beer has gone bad" face and refused to get his delicate nostrils above it prior to the second sample. 1.5

A note to everyone concerned about my lipstick getting in the way of the tasting because I know you all care. Please, think me not so silly a beautiful woman! The picture was taken after drinking and lipstick application, which had been absent during the sampling.
Thank you to MasterSki of for finding the correct place to post my negative cautioning. Apparently Ô Canada took this beer through a name change sometime around 2005, which lead MasterSki to worry that I had found a beer before then and tried to sample it. I highlighted the expiration date as I posted originally, knowing that the bottle was bunk and not wanting to confuse simple horrid creation with father time. The other reviews on the beer rating site are so mixed that I'm lead to believe that the brewery has a hard time keeping a straight recipe flowing.
" seems like I can even taste butter.. It's like I'm having a glass of pancakes."-spinrsx
"...faint notes of maple syrup and way more cherry... it taste more like a fruit beer than anything else."-ZorPrime
"They managed to take the concept of Beer and Maple Syrup and retain the essence of both without the end product tasting forced."-shamus
"The ABV is low enough and the taste is inoffensive enough for it to be enjoyable."-NightINgale
I would be happy to have a glass of butter and syrup! Give me a go at a sweet lambic cherry'd maple too! Contrary-wise I fear some people got magic bottles that work, while others are confused enough to shrug off a low alcohol and mildy tolerable beer as satisfactory. The Nitch has yet to get a maple beer across her sexy little lips that has been anything but a total disaster.
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