There is something classic and robust about the bottle shape, with it's too hard to handle size and odd gin bottle curve. Seems like a classic english style set up- historial and, hopefully, made with love.
A: Amber to orange color with a lightly tan head
S: Floral and orange
T: Bitter on the finish but a heap of malt sugar
M: Oily, sticky coating in the mouth
O: Not as much body as an IPA would normally have, but drinkable when chilled.
St.Peter's Brewery have a great website! Outlining who they are, where they came from and what they interested in. Videos, pictures, updates and a generally aesthetically pleasing layout, something the online reader would enjoy.
A: Black with ruby tone when in the light
S: Strong alcohol esters, but a roasted malt sweetness and dried fruits
T: Licorice and bitter chocolate with hints at roasted nuts
M: Cream
O: A great nutty, candy cream stout with stand out flavors and a mild after taste
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