The Session #81 Women and Beer Round up
Not late, highly fashionable
"I am invariably late for appointments- sometimes as much as two hours. I've tried to change my ways but the things that make me late are too strong, and too pleasing."
-Marilyn Monroe
So I'm walking into the round up for The Session #81 a bit late. I'm a citizen beer blogger after all and like Cinderella at the ball, I try to push the party right to the last, stumbling frickin minute.
At least I look good while doing it. 
And now,
without further strutting, here is an all comprehensive list, in no particular order, of the world beer blogging society's thoughts on Women in the craft beer culture:
(Like how Women was capitalized, see what I did there, intentional.)

10th Day Brewing Mr. Jefferson went knee deep in feminism and interviewed three ladies of the craft: Bonnie Steinman is part of the team that owns and runs
Hop Head Farms in Hickory Corners, Michigan, Amy Sherman out of Grand Rapids Michigan and
The Great American Beer Trail, and finally Marie Cummins from Chicago, Illinois and
Down the Hatch. What I love is not only do all the women enjoy seasonal beers but one gives a quote I'll use in later life,
"It’s rather trendy right now for brewers to brew a big beer with an even bigger bite. Personally, I think it takes skill to create the silky, sweet nibbles you find in a well-crafted porter."I love porters.
Jefferson shows that there is diversity and creativity in the culture of beer no matter who you ask (and what questions you ask.) These women had so many fun and insightful things to say one can see why craft beer people are the best people in the world. Both men and women helped to shape the history of beer in our current day and with amazing ladies like these in the circle, the future of beer looks to be shaping up nicely.

Alan took my personal Session request and dealt out a bit of a history lesson, which he is so magnificent at doing. A Good Beer Blog:
Ontario: Women And Beer Before Temperance in which he sites the important of temperance and trains. Alan has a literal library of references in his (what I imagine is) rustic log Canadian cabin, with titles like
In Mixed Company by
Julia Roberts and
Wives and Mothers, School Mistresses and Scullery Maids: Working Women in Upper Canada 1790-1840 by
Elizabeth Jane Errington resting within his reach.
[caption id="attachment_2196" align="alignright" width="400"]

New Belgium Brewing makes a
beet beer for the fun of it[/caption]
He points out that when you are in a town aka near a brewery, you can get yourself a beer but before trains one wanted to load their cart up with the most concentrated form of hooch available- likely whisky. Living on a farm- beet beer anyone?

Taking time to contemplate the shift of gender roles, Sean at
Beer Search Party puts his male neck on the line and asks some heated questions.
How do we get more women brewing? He refers to the concept of the the
"stick and the carrot," women in beer being the horse- how do we get this nag a movin? Sean suggests some carrots- women may no have extremely different palates from men but they do often pick up on different tasting notes and have different preferences. Lets hope that the ratios of male to female DO increase in the coming years, through education, good beer making and lots of carrots.
Ton conclude he suggests that
this is probably is just going to piss you off.
[caption id="attachment_2038" align="alignleft" width="334"]

I prefer glassware[/caption]

Mark at
Kaedrin Beer Blog steps up to the plate with a strong stance that women in beer is a healthily growing demographic and he is curious to see if anyone takes the bait in my announcement:
"Are there any men out there who think that women in beer is a bad thing?" Yikes, who would think that? " (Ding da Ding, Ding, Ding!)
You know what really made my jaw drop though, this question:
is the beer bottle a phallic symbol?
Now, why haven't I though of that? I hate when people drink beer from the bottle. I prefer a nice stemmed tulip glass, like what is served with all beers at
La Fine Mousse, Paris. Rod vs cup? Extremely interesting physiological question!
Mark (and his female counter part) are beer feminists:
"I don't see a difference between men and women when it comes to beer. Ultimately, it's just beer. You drink it. It's not that complicated, and your reproductive parts don't really play a role. Amiright?"Yes, yes, you are!

Sheppy's aptly named
Sheppy's Blog starts out with his pleading notes on how he is a #SexistPig and how he hopes that the Scary Beer feminists won't angry comment him to death. (Does that happen?! Keep reading)
[caption id="attachment_2197" align="alignright" width="150"]

see that! No line for the ladies room![/caption]
Don't worry ol' Sheppy, "
Good Beer makes people happy whether or not they are male or female," (he said that himself!) So rather or not his sexisim blares rampant, good beer drinkers are good people and generally try to avoid angry comments. (Generally.)
My LOL moment: Him and his wife attended the
Great American Beer Festival a couple weeks ago and, "
As far as I know ... this is the only place in the UNIVERSE where the women's restroom line is non-existent compared to the line for the men's restroom. My wife literally walked right in. My line was huge." That makes me happy.
The gooey bit:
"Probably had something to do with the fact that the person I looked at then most is most definitely a woman."Sheppy loves women (his woman) and although he claims to be a #SexistPig he seems to know that marketing isn't going to change his (or anyone else's) life to drastically. Naked women don't cause me to buy beer and (because he already has an official beer model) neither does it effect Sheppy. Case being, women get shorter bathroom lines and have all the greatest men. Beer geekdom will one day be 50-50 and us beer geek girls will have to share our wealth. Someday!
Bike Beer Fun's Yayeeh Schönborn jumped on board the Session train with a fantastic article. As far as my google translate can tell me, she has some strong opinions about this topic and has over heard many conversations in restaurants where women have been pressured to order cocktails because
beer is for men. What a horrible restaurant! Leave that place and never go back. After ordering yourself a few large pints of the darkest beer they have, of course.

She also points out an interesting fact likely overlooked, that at no point in history has beer actually been specifically forbidden to women. Social restrictions are they only thing that has separated women from pints.
And, our all time favorite WFTCBW (women for the craft beer win) slam dunk: women have better beer tasting palates than men. But I bet you haven't heard that in Spanish!
"...así como también que el paladar de las mujeres aprecia mejor los sabores y por lo tanto, pueden catar, degustar mejor los sabores en una cerveza."
Now ya know!

Jim at Drinking Class came up with:
Women are Different than Men! Who'da thunk it? Jim knocked my socks off in more than one way with his article. He not only does he try to relate to women in the craft beer scene by his personal experiences but also goes to great lengths to pull up some references.
[caption id="attachment_2169" align="alignright" width="380"]
Wine drinkers are more artistic when it comes to nude women[/caption]
Do I agree with most of the post?... Not entirely. Women like complex brews, IBUs and non-sweet things to the same extent that men do (market research or no), but women have had less education in the area of
love your beer. Contrary wise (it's a word) they have been educated to be objects of beer consumerism, thusly they enjoy wine for the sheer fact that wine compies never post billboards with girls covered in wine caps. Wine is classy, artistic and meant to be sipped (not all wine is sweet), while beer is a man's world.
I agree with Jim that
more research needs to be done in the area of women and craft beer and also agree that women often have flavor preferences different from men- but not because they have vaginas. Rather women have been raised on sugar and spice.
Next step: flavor profiling for homosexuals?

Why Women Shouldn’t Drink (my) Beer.
What is there ever to say about Mr. Beerbeque and his Haybag that a fit of tearful laughter can't explain. He ponders on why women have began to enjoy beer:

I mean, is there some sort of Cosmo shortage? Is that why you’re swooping on one of our last remaining domains? Did widespread frost decimate this year’s appletini crop?"Don't worry, The Haybag assumes with the rest of us readers that Mr.Beerbeque is being satyrical. Proving that ones doesn't need to take this shit too seriously. When I start ranting to CAMRA members about how women will one day take back the craft beer thrown that has been so long withheld from us, it's to poke fun in the same way. Have a beer (not Beerbeque's) and have a laugh.
"You hear that beeping? Yeah, that’s the entitlement bus, and it needs to back the fuck up."
Beer Tinted Spectacles-
Women and Beer: Nothing To See Here, Folks.
David is sick and tired of hearing this bullshit about boobs and beers. Brewsters, scary beer feminists and shut the trap up about this useless topic. Beating a dead horse? Why not, it's not going anywhere and we have nothing better to do. Besides, the point we are trying to make is that women are like any to other drinker:
"I dare anyone who encounters the salami and smoked roast meat flavours of Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier not to find it extremely challenging when they first try it."
David points out that the issue of women and beer isn't an issue about the taste of beer, neither is it demographics, male to female brewer ratios or male geared advertising, but rather a cultural shift. Women rebalancing into the world of craft beer has less to do with female palates and more to do with vaginas. More specifically the fact that us ladies don't have to be in continual child birth for 20 years (like his great gran who made 14 babies over the course of her life).
"I do believe it has a lot to do with our post industrial society and the behaviour that it breeds: approaching equality in many more aspects of our home and work life."Just think, women aren't making as many babies so now we have time to make batches of beer, possibly if your mother hadn't had you, maybe she would have been Charlie Papazain. Selfish demands of life!

Carty is a
Self Obsessed Beer Snob who also doesn't understand why women in beer is a novelty topic. He's been blessed with a brewster filled life including:
His mum: Wash your hands before dinner? Try, wash your hands before touching that brew kettle young man! Carty's mum taught him not only how to homebrew but it's her nurse infused cleanliness that taught him to wage war against bacteria in the brewing process.
The three female owners of The Wheatsheaf Hotel: His first beer nerd hang out happend to be filled with a majority of female regulars who imparted geeky goodness in abundance.
Jayne Lewis from Two Birds BrewingHis love: there is no better equalizer than that of romance. Carty shifted his girlfriend drinking habits from wine to beer and now they are a carft beer crunching couple made in heaven.
Basically Carty is a ladies man who attracts women like a blue light on a porch at night. The guy can't see the oddity of women in beer, because he is crowded by intelligent craft beer ladies. Damn.
[caption id="attachment_2212" align="aligncenter" width="696"]

Bow chica bow bow[/caption]

Mr. Will
VonSchlapper's Adventures With Beer also begins and ends with love bubbles as his first steps into craft beer were inspired by his (now wife's) gentle encouraging words,
"You don’t have to drink shit beer, you’re not a student any more!"
God bless insightful beer loving women.

Book and Baily had
written a long piece about women in British brewing and beer campaigning in September, and also wrote about
the sexualisation of female bar staff, so decided to focus this time on women as pubgoers.
Or rather more specifically, women as pubgoers in 1930's Bolton, Lancashire. B&B points out that beer lounges for ladies who like expensive bottled beer is no longer a trendy thing because,
"...women entering pubs alone are no longer assumed to be prostitutes or ‘asking for it’."Well... that's debatable.

But I see what B&B was getting at; we don't need to segregate women anymore because of our cultural changes. To be frank (the act of, not the person), when I'm out at craft beer bars I go out of my way to be an example of female politeness. I don't want men getting the idea that women have to be bloke-ish to enjoy beer, but likewise I don't pretend to be a frickin high tea and hot bubble bath kinda girl either. Ladies only beer lounge, no thank you. Beer lounges in general, yes please!
Drunken Speculation's ammo bought
this shirt because she's a she!
" hasn’t been until this post that I think I’ve even mentioned my gender because I don’t see it as or want it to be an issue."She goes on to state that if breweries were to ignore the growing demographic of women in beer it would be to their detriment and I completely agree. The misconception that women only like fruit beers and sugared lagers is slowly becoming a thing of the past.
Google "beer for women" and bad things happen:
"We’re not all bimbos like the majority of those pictured above and you’ll do well to include us in your marketing strategies."Hear hear sista!

In cervesio tackles the topic in Spanish with a title that tickles my selfish pro-fem feelings:
Sin cerveza no habría civilización y sin mujeres no habría cerveza or
Without beer there would no be civilization and without women there would no be beer.He gives us a great history lesson on the important of ancient female brewing importance, including a king who choses his queen by her brewing skills.
"...the king decides to retain that which on his return from the war has prepared the best beer." -The Book Lover[caption id="attachment_2176" align="alignleft" width="259"]

Brewsters, pub owners and brewers not
roller derby girls[/caption]
And, although he goes forward in time to describe the meaning behind the revival word brewster and credits women for sustaining brewing techniques through a long history he also can't avoid blaming us for light lagers.
"...the creation of light beer in the 40's. Originally this style of beer was created for the female market, launching their ideas of low-calorie products... Then came Miller Lite beer and initiating an aggressive campaign to masculinize ..."Ew- that's embarrassing for everyone involved. So we hold the line for centuries then get market smashed and the world takes a tailspin into adjunct lagers from hell. You win some, you lose some.
Baltimore bistros & beerHow does Douglas feel about women in beer?
"Beats me, but I know if I didn't have my woman around beer would be a lot less fun for me."
He has a great story of exploration with his significant other! How she was a Miller Light girl who was gradually won over by his persistent use of her exceptional palate. Thats right, in case we haven't mentioned this already, women have fantastic palates. And Baltimore bistros & beer's beer reviews would be greatly less descriptive if it weren't for that woman tongue.
On a personal note, it makes me giggle to see how sometimes beer nerds convert their romantic other to the hop side, while other times it's the girlfriend who opens the door to craft beer. I've personally christened a few ex love interests into the world of beer with the same persistent use of, "
here, try this, what do you taste?" If one half of the couple is a beer geek, eventually the other half will be (at least partially) won over.

Mrs. Jessica Daynor is normally Draft Mag's managing editor but she took a second to wave the fem flag with
On Women and Beer for us. She opens with a shot gun comment:
"It’s as if the moment Eve bit the apple, fruit became womanfood."Fruits and sweets for ladies, oh how poor Belgian lambic brewers must feel,
"whose phenomenal fruited lambics—capable of being produced only by brewers with the perfect cocktail of tank mastery, patience and a knack for yeast—are reduced to “ladybeers.”[caption id="attachment_2218" align="alignnone" width="650"]

When it's good, it's good.[/caption]
Demanding that people "
stop saying framboise is “for girls.” By quoting from a beer seller in a
2008 piece by Lew Bryson:
“It’s popular with women, but it wouldn’t be [a] best seller if men weren’t buying it.”
She states that,
"the liquid we love isn’t paid for or ingested any differently by men or women" and so there are some things that irk all beer geeks equally, like being profiled and misinformed. Since the craft beer market is growing on both sides of the gender fence, there are bound to be whack jobs sneaking into the scene. And because Jessica gets to pop into beer bars, under cover and experience the true service of said establishments she gets the full frontal of jackasses who talk out their ass and use there eyes to gauge how best they can piss you off.
"I’ll order a bourbon-barrel barleywine and they’ll sneer, “You know what that is, right?” But her favorite is, and boy have I had this one in more variations than I can count
, "the macho bartender who tries to educate me with major misinformation: “So, this IPA is really dank, ‘cause it’s made with wheat.”
All you can do is shake your head in disappointment and laugh. Possibly that type of treatment is part of the reason why women play the “
wonderful but weak" role Jessica talks about; dawning themselves some push up bras and doe eyes.
Using sexuality in one way or another isn't against my morals but the movement of women in beer does need to come to a point where sellers realize that, "
we don’t want to be marketed to as women." Bring on the best you have, rather or not we are wearing a hot pink push up bras.

Likely Moose, My 'Beez in the trap buddie', has done good by me on a topic that may have caused his fingers to smell like Nicki Minaj.
Looke, fingering through beer mags and hands safely away from his face, goes on to point out that women are naturalizing into the craft beer scene, by moving from using gender as a flaunted point and simply winning awards like the good ol' boys. Sara Barton of
Brewsters Brewing Company certainly is not one of those women who has,"
bloody hell, not this shit again. Every bloody year he drags me here”, written on her face while at a beer fest. Us ladies are turning out to beer gatherings in packs and sampling more than wheat beers- shocking?! It will soon be normal.
Wash your hands, Looke and thanks for taking time to recognize that women are blending into the beer scene more than ever.

[caption id="attachment_2178" align="alignright" width="413"]

Oliver and one of the women in his beer- his wife Tiffany[/caption]
Mr. Oliver Gray at Literature and Libation gives us a talk about
(The) Women In (My) Beer in which we get a delightful rundown of the women who have shaped and continue to aid in, his beer addiction. But, Oliver also has a great piece titled
Brews don't wear bras, bro in which he talks about cannibalistic Cinnamon Toast Crunch, gender notations in the English language and the thinking behind sexist marketing, read both!
I love to love all the ladies he loves:
Jill Redding, editor-in-chief of
Zymurgy magazine
Carla Companion aka
The Beer BabeKristi Switzer, Publisher for
Brewers PublicationsHis wife Tiffany (non beer loving beer geek)
His sister (Coors Light drinker on the road to recovery)
His mother (giver of life and maintainer of Oliver's sanity)
What a great list and a fantastic take on the Session topic. Cheers to wonderful women in one's beer adventure.

The Beer Nut's
Me and Sara might sound like a post in which he tells us how his wife has effected his drinking life (which he does in
this post) but it is, in fact, about him and a beer. A beer named Sara! As patronizingly girly as the bottle does seem to be it IS better than what a lot of women get when they walk into real ale bars.

Sweet Mr. Beer Nut says he doesn't have the answers but rather is"
...resigned melancholy that the female perspective is so lacking in the beer world" and has a "
...thankfulness for those women who are making themselves heard."Thank you for the thank you and worry not, we will soon spread the word that beers like Sara exist and that there no need to fear chauvinistic beer marketing anymore!
Beer Hobo -Heather Vandenengel- traveling vagrant of beer that she is, she is also master of list making and a fucking riot! If you haven't tried her drinking game, than
give it a try. From now on when I read through the Session #81 posts I'm playing that game; fun with myself. Ouiiiii!
The drinking game bit with
reasons why women like beer nearly had me tears, I laughed so hard. Oh, the irony.
The most insightful bits from her short but impacted article is her advice to brewers, journalists and everyone else on the topic of women in beer. More importantly is what she instructs women themselves to do in order to help move the advocation of women in craft beer along: "
Don’t underestimate what you know about beer. Ask questions, stay curious, stand your ground."
Words to live by ladies.

A Tempest in a Tankard:
Celebration Time? Women and the Craft Beer World by
Daegan Miller Franz D. Hofer.
Hofer pulls on one's feminist heart strings with echoes of how us ladies constantly deal with that shock factor of being dickless home brewers. That's right, I came to this homebrew store with my husband, but don't try to talk beer with him, he isn't into math, he's just here to carry the malt sacks.
Okay- THAT is sexist as well, but what are men good for it isn't to carry malt sacks? I carry a hand bag that he uses as a personal walking storage locker. It's only fair.
Most interesting point indeed that Hofer makes is that sexist marketing isn't limited to flashy butt-cheek beer labels but can be expressed in other, more subtle, ways. Although I merit one of the commenters for demonstrating the pro-feminist side of Flying Dog, I have to agree with Hofer that the brewery has a haze of manly musk about it. Which, personally, kinda draws me in. I like a bit of jackass'ed-ness in my men, so Flying Dog suits me (although the prices I have to pay to drink it here in Paris do not.)

Women don't need '
beginner beers,' and they turn a blind eye to dirty jokes (or laugh along politely); what they DO need is more examples of an enlightened beer lover- Teri Fahrendorf, Kim Jordan and The Tempest in the Tankard.

Speaking of the founder and co-creater of the Pink Boot Society, Mrs. Fahrendorf personally took time out of her busy schedule to drop us some words via
comment to which I offer my humblest thanks and praise. The
Pink Boots Society is a grand cause that does fantastic things for women at the Brew's table. You will never again be the sole female at the party Teri!

"... my career as a beer professional has been the best thing to ever happen to me, and I would love to spread that happiness and joy to other women, who may never have realized it is a career option open to them as well."
If you are a female brewer check out The Pink Boot Society's scholarship program- the only thing like it in the world!
[caption id="attachment_2185" align="alignright" width="314"]

Gráinne Walsh. On the right.[/caption]

One of my favorite beer bloggers Mr. Reuben Gray over at
The Tale of Ale, jumps right to one of my most often used finger wagging feminist jolts- the church caused the downfall of women in beer. To be fair it was a long fall; industrialization had a few nails in the coffin as well.
But today, although far form 50/50 we are seeing the revival of women at the mash ton with ladies like,
Gráinne Walsh, Irelands front running female brewery owner. About which Reuben has a good bout of gigginess over because apparently
Metalman Brewing has some good stuff, or so I hear.

This is why I'm drunk's
+Bryan Roth does another visually appealing task of explaining his point of view:

"So, cheers to women, beer and the women who love beer. In addition to all the other wonderful things you do, it’s just another reason to adore you."
[caption id="attachment_2221" align="alignleft" width="300"]

The Beer Goddesses with 263 members and counting![/caption]

Dan from Community Beer Works: gets over his "
Ick, Cooties" feelings and encourages Buffalo to get embeered by interviewing some ladies from the local female craft beer group
The Beer Goddesses.
“If you’re open to try and appreciate new beers and information, you’re good and you’ll have a good time at craft beer events." -Beer Goddess SaraAlthough I don't fully like the idea of women segregating themselves into a specific group, I love that more people are learning to love craft beer and there are teams of people waiting with open arms.
Takes Dan's advice from
Wheaton’s Law as a way to encourage beer love in both genders:
Don’t be a dick. Be nice, or at least not overtly hostile.
The Brew Site's (
BeerLES) Mr. Jon Abernathy suggests that you " out beers from women brewers: they make damn good beer." Pointing out that two of the the three GABF-winning brewers from Bend this year are female: Tonya Cornett of
10 Barrel Brewing and Veronica Vega of
Deschutes Brewery, for their German Sparkle Party and Sage Fight IPA, respectively.
Mr. Abernathy makes two fantastic points about how the awareness of the brewster revival is helping society:
-it helps shatter the myth that women don’t like beer;
-it helps debunk the last four decades of corporate beer advertising
...women offer a different and valuable perspective to the brewing of beer," and so also to the doing of many things. A world without women? Planet Mars.

I was glad to see that
Epic Beer Girl got an article into the Session this month. She, like me, she was one of those ladies who grew up with gender equality influences. My Barbie doll used to drive my big, yellow Tonka truck (right over the lego castle my brother had built- bwahahaa! Childhood.)

I understand how Epic Beer Girl doesn't see the novelity of women in beer because she is still in a safe and mostly balance beer culture. For me, seeing how much of a freak show I am in less craft beer evolved countries, was at first a shock. Where Epic Beer Girl sits, she has
...been fortunate to make many amazing friends. Not once have I felt that my opinions may not be taken seriously because I happen to be female. I have friends who know much more about beer than I do, yet they always listen to what I have to say, which I appreciate," and is blessed for such. When the time comes that she walks into a beer bar and is assumed to be looking for the bathroom, (she must be from the disco bar down the road) is when the topic becomes a bit more personal.
Someday the whole world will be as understanding and equal as we are until then Epic Beer Girl says it best,
"I hope that both women and men continue to realize how amazing craft beer is and give it a try."
Jenn from
Soaked in Beer is an admitted beer-a-holic who has one of the best stances on this rocky topic:
"There are without a doubt some awesome women in the beer industry – brewers, bar and pub owners, writers and distributors. Are they awesome because they are women? No. Are they awesome in spite of being women? No. They are just awesome people. Good at brewing, selling, writing about beer. They should be celebrated for their mad skills, not their gender. When we do that we risk them becoming novelty acts."
Nothing to see here folks!
But, to be clear Jenn, yes, you are a feminist: Feminists want both men and women to be treated equally on all fronts, in all aspects of society and in all parts of the world.
Mostly, I just find myself nodding my head as I read Soaked in Beer because everything Jenn has to say is so completely relatable. I too grew up with the
this is what we are drinking, drinking buddies. I was never asked if
Boone's Farm was an okay option, I was simply asked with color I wanted. And I as well do not find the idea of female only craft beer events appealing. What I enjoy about beer culture is that is is a mixed bag event, if you bring in nail art and foot massages than things get a bit awkward. But hey, whatever it takes to get the outreach going, eh.
Most importantly, no apologies needed in the Session #81. In the end Jenn, you did exactly what you wanted, no song and dance required. Although, I respect that you tried to sing and dance!

Stan Hieronymus at
Appellation beer: Where have all the brewsters gone? keeps it real and factual:
"Judith Bennett has lots of interesting words on this topic. My contribution is simply to recommend her book."
Amazon'ed it. A bit to spendy for a working class immigrant such as myself, but I'll keep it on the wishlist incase I'm one day able to build my beer library to the ranks of Alan or Stan.

Brittanie Shey posted this on the ol' FB: "
Congratulations on giving this bigot a chance to out himself as a bigot."
[caption id="attachment_2203" align="alignleft" width="389"]

No, no, searching WON'T help.[/caption]
That bigot is Mr. Ding a dong himself and that link leads to an article that was pulled. I'll repeat what I posted on Facebook after finding the blank link because it's how I feel:
I can't believe he pulled it. If you're gunna be a jackass, which is kinda Ding's MO, than stick with it. I like that he is the one we all love to hate and was expecting nothing less than a bigot filled article with lots of "keep dem child makin types in the kitchen," talk. Too bad we don't get to bitch about his rudeness with prof.And honestly, I really would have loved to see the article, fucked up comments and all! Looks like the scary beer feminists got under Ding's skin. Oopse.

There are also things to be learned in this Session #81 madness!
"I learned something new from your Scary Beer Feminists post. I did not know that “for religious reasons, women aren’t allowed to tour many Trappist breweries”.Thank you for the good words.Cheers,@deniserat"
Glen Humphries is
Beer is your friend and, as to be expected, he hates this dead beat topic almost as much as I do after reading all 30 some odd of these articles.

I can't wait until I'm old enough to be able to say something like,
"I realized a few years after writing my ‘‘women in rock’’ story was that it simply perpetuates this idea of females in rock and roll as ‘‘other’’, as not quite belonging, as being seen as enough of a novelty to comment on and write stories about."Someday woman in beer will be as common place as women in rock and roll! And I will be able to look back at this list of Session articles with fondness and slightly embarrassed retrospect. Oh, cheers for the future!
Mr. Humphries does admit that not all global sectors of the beer business are at equal levels and that the balancing of genders in the beer industry is much farther ahead in the developed craft beer world (because France is, ya know, 3rd world beer culture), he goes on to implore us all to
"...stop talking about female beer drinkers and brewers as though they’re somehow different."I'm so down with
that idea that I didn't even post an article for the Session #81. Booya! Ahead of my time!

And the award for best one sentence response goes to
The Beer Czar with:
"I don’t really consider woman in the beer world any differently then I do about men in it, they are the same, just with dramatically better breasts and drastically less facial hair."
You Sir are also a beer feminist, I couldn't agree with you more, thank you for contributing.

Thank you to everyone
who tuned in, put their thinking cap on and gave a bit of spare time to the recognition that women in beer is NOT a novelty but an everyday blessing. Lets keep the ball rolling ladies and gentlemen, keep clapping for your local brewsters and treating them like you would a any other bearded white male beer geek.
If I missed anyone in the round up- email me!
If I fucked something up- don't tell me, I don't want to know.
Word of caution! Focusing on women TOO MUCH is not the goal here, take the ample, sage advice of our international beer bloggers and tend the love of craft beer for
all. We don't want a gender role reversal on our hands: