Friday, February 15, 2013

Mikkeller opening new bars worldwide

Beer Pulse popped in today to tell me that Mikkeller, the roving contemporary team and thier brews, will be setting up a specialty craft beer bar in San Francisco. 

Not exactly the newest place to plop down a bar, in fact, it can be considered the home base of the American craft beer revival with Anchor Steam having deep roots. 

They are spawning new beer hop spots all over the world though------->

I like Mikkeller's labeling and marketing. 

The beers aren't always the best, but they are creative, fresh- younger geared and available at the beer shop I have access to. 

The prices are outrageous, but I like that too. 

For more on the opening of bars, check out the Mikkeller Facebook

You heard it! Mikkeller is opening new bar in Copenhagen and we want all you Beer Geeks and Mikkeller Freaks, your friends and family to come and celebrate with us. 1000 free beers will be poured, cool heavy dudes will appear and celebration will be all over Copenhagen, so join us!
16th March
at Stefansgade 35
2200 Copenhagen N

I'm going.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Thirsting For: Handcrafted leather beer koozie

Time for another moment where Nitch helps you become less of a shut'in loser:

Using a zebra and pink feathered, zip up bottle koozie means that you are a classless woman who wears underwear from wal mart or a classless gay man who wears underwear from wal mart.

Using a missing in action koozie means that your love for your military brethren is equated to your own self hate and cheapness. It was made in china. POW and MIA are worth more then foam and plastic embossing!

Stop it. It's embarrassing how much you want to be back in college.


Budding business and all man team Parlor, kickstarts a new business for the discerning home beer guzzler: leather beer koozies. Define beer koozie.

Tired of cold hands and redundant labels and bored with your swag foam koozie?

Time for an upgrade!

Thirsting For: Handcrafted leather beer koozie

Time for another moment where Nitch helps you become more socially acceptable!


Using a zebra and pink feathered, zip up bottle koozie means that you are a classless woman who wears underwear from wal mart or a classless gay man who wears underwear from wal mart.

 Using a "missing in action" koozie means that your love for your military brethren is equated to your own self hate and cheapness. It was made in China. POW and MIA are worth more then foam and plastic embossing.


Stop it. It's embarrassing how much you want to be back in college


Budding business and all man team Parlor, kickstarts a new business for the discerning home beer guzzler: leather beer koozies. Define beer koozie.

Tired of cold hands and redundant labels and bored with your swag foam koozie?

Time for an upgrade!

Tasting: Mikkeller Monk's Elixir


9.5% abv

A: dark maroon brown, thin half finger head that fades quickly

S: sweet bread, red fruits, clean

T: nice bitter start, with a sugared malt and heavy bread taste alcohol on the exhale

M: slightly creamy with light carbonation

O: Highly drinkable but a touch heavy. With an abv that high, you better bet sitting down to enjoy this Monk brew.


Bull testicle beer

Grab a beer by the balls!

Spoof video for April fools takes the attention of many, forcing the Colorado brewery Wynkoop to make good on its joke. 
25 pounds of rocky mountain oysters later: you got yourself a stout with some kick.

It takes a lot of balls to make a testicle beer! Okay, last pun, I promise. Tasting notes? Can't find word of anyone who has lipped the brew just yet but as soon as I know, we'll all know. 

Grab Beer by the balls!

Spoof video for April fools takes the attention of many, forcing the Colorado brewery Wynkoop to make good on its joke.

25 pounds of rocky mountain oysters later: you got yourself a stout with some kick.

It takes a lot of balls to make a testicle beer! Okay, last pun, I promise. Tasting notes? Can't find word of anyone who has lipped the brew just yet but as soon as I know, we'll all know.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Tasting: Livinus Blonde





A: Fast falling head, watery thick lacing, carrot and ginger orange, very hazy

S: Cereal, barley and yeast, almost a fruit smell

T: Very malty and cereal taste, lingering, popping carbonation cuts through the center but quickly fades out. Not much of an alcohol taste as one would except.

M: Full body, thick and lightly syrupy,

O: Interestingly light for such a high abv, heavy on the malt but a good body to back it up.

Tasting: Glops Ale

A beautiful beer belly is a precious thing indeed

To all those excepting:

This is my new and much loved desktop. Every time I open my computer I have to sit and admire the irony of nature. I can't give credit because I don't know where it came from as a friend linked it to my facebook, but to those involved. Thank you.

There are a lot of ladies in my life lately who are being blessed with the gift of child birth and their black and white baby belly photos always make me flutter with cute juices. Here we have an all together other sensation- mirth and aw. Each picture is its own beautiful moment. 

A beautiful beer belly is a precious thing indeed

To all those excepting:

This is my new and much loved desktop. Every time I open my computer I have to sit and admire the irony of nature. I can't give credit because I don't know where it came from as a friend linked it to my facebook, but to those involved. Thank you.

There are a lot of ladies in my life lately who are being blessed with the gift of child birth and their black and white baby belly photos always make me flutter with cute juices. Here we have an all together other sensation- mirth and aw. Each picture is its own beautiful moment. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Tasting: Mikkeller Bravo Single Hop IPA

Mikkeller Bravo single Hop IPA

A: Fresh and fruity

S: Honey floral

T: Beautiful color, bright orange with small fast bubbles. Great two finger head with thick lacing. Blood orange
spicy floral smell, citrus hints, very sweet smell, almost buttery and caramel

M: Great bitter and sweetness in the front then a lingering bitter and stickiness O: in the mouth
a rounded caramel malt 
all very well balanced

Tasting: Mikkeller Bravo Single Hop IPA

Mikkeller Bravo single Hop IPA

A: Fresh and fruity

S: Honey floral

T: Beautiful color, bright orange with small fast bubbles. Great two finger head with thick lacing. Blood orange
spicy floral smell, citrus hints, very sweet smell, almost buttery and caramel

M: Great bitter and sweetness in the front then a lingering bitter and stickiness O: in the mouth
a rounded caramel malt 
all very well balanced

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Micro brewery in Chandres, France

La Microbrasserie de Chandres



The brewery goes by both names 
since they are the only brewers in the city

French people haven't attached themselves to the life boat of beer loving just yet.

They drink a lot of wine

They are raising beer taxation a 160% after January 2013

This French Microbrewery (one word or two, take your pick), was discovered by my partner and I while at a Food & Wine Festival in Orleans, France. Here is a bit of a vid that popped up on youtube shortly after the Festival. If you don't speak French then you get to see the head of the Brew Master and if you speak French, then you can learn a bit about the brewery!

Just before christmas we decided to take a slick stroll over to Chandres to get the grand tour.
What the tour is supposed to look like

L'Eurelienne is located in Chandres, which is outside of Chartes but actually in a smaller area called Sours. Took me weeks to realize that my web searching was telling me about the brewery location, not the beer flavor. They do not make sours. 

Ambrèe Myrtle***Amber Wild Blueberry
Cuvee de Noël***Christmas Cuvee

L'Eurelienne isn't too keen on accessibility for reality handicapped people and haven't got much on the web to show off.
Facebook is a flop
.com is non existant
and searches come out with weak tourist sites
make sure your google translate is on

Thus, a pop video of me and the French man hitting up the brewery

Don't get your hopes up and try to keep the laughter down. This is serious!

Flashy box? That's guna cost ya

Micro brewery in Chandres, France

La Microbrasserie de Chandres aka L'Eurelienne

The brewery goes by both names 

since they are the only brewers town.

French people haven't attached themselves to the life boat of beer loving just yet.

They drink a lot of wine

They are raising beer taxation a wapping 160% after January 2013
This French Micro brewery, was discovered by my partner and I while at a Food & Wine Festival in Orleans, France. Here is a bit of a vid that popped up on youtube shortly after the Festival. If you don't speak French then you get to see the head of the Brew Master and if you speak French, then you can learn a bit about the brewery!

Just before christmas we decided to take a slick stroll over to Chandres to get the grand tour.

L'Eurelienne is located in Chandres, which is outside of Chartes but actually in a smaller area called Sours. Took me weeks to realize that my web searching was telling me about the brewery location, not the beer flavor. They do not make sours. 


Ambrèe Myrtle***Amber Wild Blueberry




Cuvee de Noël***Christmas Cuvee


L'Eurelienne isn't too keen on accessibility for reality handicapped people and haven't got much on the web to show off.

Facebook is a flop

.com is non existant

and searches come out with weak tourist sites

make sure your google translate is on


Thus, a pop video of me and the French man hitting up the brewery


Flashy box? That's guna cost ya